






swipe to find out more

Are tickets free?

Yes, 100%

Who can get a ticket?

All enrolled students over 18 and those who graduated in the last one year.

What if I study
outside the UK?

You are still welcome to join us! However, we cannot sponsor visas.

I haven’t coded much. Should I come?

Hackathons are for beginners. Networking with and seeing awesome hackers in action will expose you to a tremendous amount of knowledge. There is an amazing suit of industry experts and mentors that are happy to assist you!

What should I bring?

Bring your laptop, phone and chargers. Other things to consider: spare clothes, adapters, hardware and a sleeping bag, oh and don’t forget your enthusiasm! We are going to provide you with all the food, swag, sleeping rooms and the drinks that you will need.

I don’t have a team. Help?

We encourage everybody to form a team with new people, regardless of whether you come with your buddies or not! We will organise a team-building session, where you will meet other participants just like you. We ask for the teams to be of 4 people maximum.

What can I expect from StudentHack?

An entire weekend of great company, good food and plenty of swag! We’ll also have hardware and tons of mentors.

Do you offer travel reimbursement?

Unfortunately, we cannot reimburse you for your travel expenses.

Who owns my IP/code/idea?

You own all the rights to your intellectual property. We won’t claim any right over anything made during this event. Neil Armstrong will not ask for anything this time.

Are tickets free?

Yes, 100%

Who can get a ticket?

All enrolled students over 18 and those who graduated in the last one year.

What if I study
outside the UK?

You are still welcome to join us! However, we cannot sponsor visas.

I haven’t coded much. Should I come?

Hackathons are for beginners. Networking with and seeing awesome hackers in action will expose you to a tremendous amount of knowledge. There is an amazing suit of industry experts and mentors that are happy to assist you!

What should I bring?

Bring your laptop, phone and chargers. Other things to consider: spare clothes, adapters, hardware and a sleeping bag, oh and don’t forget your enthusiasm! We are going to provide you with all the food, swag, sleeping rooms and the drinks that you will need.

I don’t have a team. Help?

We encourage everybody to form a team with new people, regardless of whether you come with your buddies or not! We will organise a team-building session, where you will meet other participants just like you. We ask for the teams to be of 4 people maximum.

What can I expect from StudentHack?

An entire weekend of great company, good food and plenty of swag! We’ll also have hardware and tons of mentors.

Do you offer travel reimbursement?

Unfortunately, we cannot reimburse you for your travel expenses.

Who owns my IP/code/idea?

You own all the rights to your intellectual property. We won’t claim any right over anything made during this event. Neil Armstrong will not ask for anything this time.

The Hut Group

Manchester Metropolitan University Business School
Manchester M15 6BH